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Ixion Armor

Ixion Heavy Armor

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Ixion Heavy Helmet
Ixion Helmet Heavy Armor S84 P. Def. 120
Ixion Heavy Breastplate
Ixion Breastplate Heavy Armor S84 P. Def. 313
Ixion Heavy Gaiter
Ixion Gaiter Heavy Armor S84 P. Def. 204
Ixion Heavy Gauntlet
Ixion Gauntlet Heavy Armor S84 P. Def. 102
Ixion Heavy Boots
Ixion Boots Heavy Armor S84 P. Def. 102
Staty celého setu STR -2. CON +2; When equipped, P. Def. +8.47%, P. Atk. +5.57%, Resistance to Magic Damage +2%, Max HP +541, Speed +7; Accuracy +4; Resistance to Bleed/Hold/Sleep +50%, and Resistance to Fire/Water/Wind/Earth +5. Opens cloak slot.

Increases P. Def. and MP Recovery Rate when all set items are enchanted to 6 or above.

Ixion Light Armor

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Ixion Light Helmet
Ixion Leather Helmet Light Armor S84 P. Def. 120
Ixion Light Breastplate
Ixion Leather Breastplate Light Armor S84 P. Def. 247
Ixion Light Legging
Ixion Leather Legging Light Armor S84 P. Def. 163
Ixion Light Gloves
Ixion Leather Gloves Light Armor S84 P. Def. 102
Ixion Light Boots
Ixion Leather Boots Light Armor S84 P. Def. 102
Staty celého setu STR +1; DEX +2; CON -3; When equipped, P. Atk./P. Def. +5.57%; Atk. Spd. +5%; Speed +3%; Resistance to Stun +50%; Damage +182 during a critical attack ; Max MP +360; Resistance to Fire/Water/Wind/Earth +5. Opens cloak slot.

Increases P. Def. and MP Recovery Rate when all set items are enchanted to 6 or above.

Ixion Robe Armor

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Ixion Robe Criclet
Ixion Criclet Robe Armor S84 P. Def. 120
Ixion Robe Tunic
Ixion Tunic Robe Armor S84 P. Def. 182
Ixion Robe Stockings
Ixion Stockings Robe Armor S84 P. Def. 122
Ixion Robe Gloves
Ixion Gloves Robe Armor S84 P. Def. 102
Ixion Robe Shoes
Ixion Shoes Robe Armor S84 P. Def. 102
Staty celého setu WIT +2; MEN -1; INT -1; M. Atk. +8.7% when equipped; Casting Spd. +15%; MP Recovery Bonus +5%; Speed +7; Max MP +92; Resistance to Stun +50%; Resistance to Fire/Water/Wind/Earth +5. Opens cloak slot.

Increases P. Def. and MP Recovery Rate when all set items are enchanted to 6 or above.

Ixion Štít/Sigil/Cloak

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Ixion Shield
Ixion Shield Ixion Weapon S84 P. Def. 473 | DEF Rate: 20 | Evasion: -8
Ixion Sigil
Ixion Sigil Ixion Weapon S84 P. Def. 81 | DEF Rate: 20 | Evasion: -8
Ixion Cloak
Ixion Cloak S84 Fire P.Def.: 10 | Water P.Def.: 20 | Wind P.Def.: 20 | Earth P.Def.: 10 | Holy P.Def.: 10 | Dark P.Def.: 20

Ixion Armors Crafting

Ixion Armor craft itemy získáte, tak že budete plnit quest „Ixion Armor“

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⇊⇊ Ixion Heavy Armor ⇊⇊

⇊⇊ Ixion Heavy Armor + Štít ⇊⇊

⇊⇊ Ixion Light Armor ⇊⇊

⇊⇊ Ixion Robe Armor ⇊⇊

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